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Be prepared to dive deeper into these imagined worlds by reading these novellas and books. 
More to come! Watch this space!


Tann's Last Stand

The Land of the Great River is a sparsely inhabited and often lawless place. When bandits threaten the existence of their village, as well as their lives, Holt and Fion must leave to look for aid.


Can they find any warriors with integrity and honour to fight for them, before it is too late?


This retelling of the classic tale of Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven is the first glimpse into a whole new world, where adventure is never far away.


A Path of Blades

Ingvar Darelle is a fighting knight, tasked with defending his country whenever his Count calls him to battle. Violence and war provides no glory for Ingvar, who only wants to be at home on his rural estate.


His dreams of a quiet life are shattered as he becomes a pawn in the ambitious schemes of others.


How will his friendships and family cope with the forces that try to tear them apart?


R.E. Sanders' first full-length novel is a tale of friendship, honour, betrayal and loss. Coming soon!

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