Short Stories
Here you can find a collection of short tales that are a window into the imaginary worlds that R.E. Sanders creates.

The Shell Hunt
The hunt was on.
Mofulmira had put on her war face and was huddled in the lee of a gravelly hillock, waiting for the dawn. When the sun rose over the distant eastern mountains, all hell would break loose.
She fiddled nervously with the single armour plate she had earned to date, a marbled and highly polished hexagon of turtle-shell bounded by iron sewn to the outer layer of her ox-leather jacket. She was hoping to add another today, but it would not be easy. The first was earned in the shield-wall of a simple skirmish, but a shell-hunt was much more dangerous.

The River in Flood
The rain sheeted down. Cold and insistent, the raindrops sighed on the leafy canopy above, hissed into the turbulent river below and pattered onto the waxed leather coat of the warrior sitting almost motionless on the bank.
Hunters prowled silently through the trees on the opposite bank, and they were closing in.
Sitting cross-legged, his shoulders hunched against the downpour, the warrior’s hands moved carefully and precisely. Ignoring the weather, ignoring his danger, he was picking up flattened pebbles, slick and shiny, and building them into something.