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  • Writer's pictureRob Sanderson

A Path of Blades

Just a little insight into my current project - A Path of Blades.

As I wrote my novella 'Tann's Last Stand' the character of Ingvar emerged, as did his relationship with Ammie. It was obvious that there was a significant history behind these characters.

I wanted to tell that story.

A Path of Blades is their story - a prequel to their story in TLS.

The story goes back to Ingvar's roots as a fighting knight in feudal Buren. The hierarchy of Buren is riven with political and physical conflict, and while Ingvar's father Omar has always tried to keep the family out of politics, it will soon become clear that their neutrality cannot last.

Forces that Ingvar cannot control or compete with are soon unleashed, and he must make hard choices to try to hold onto his estate and ultimately, to stay alive.

Teaser chapters coming soon!

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